Thursday, August 9, 2007

AT - Introduction


As you may know this is not one class, but two.

I am Chris Schaffner, the instructor for the Architectural Technology portion of the course. My role, and goal, is to help you bring an integrated approach to your design projects. Good architecture is about function as well as form, and must include a consideration for the building occupant's comfort and well being, along with an appreciation for environmental stewardship. That's what where going to try to do.

But enough hoo-haw. If you want to learn more about me, check out my company's website -

I have posted your first assignment (it's there in the upper right). Have fun.



Peter James DeIuliis said...

Hi Chris... I may have missed it, but is there a date you would like that statement posted by??

Unknown said...

Chris, For some reason link as CS-Week 1 and your AT-Week1 open the same file. Is this a mistake?

chris schaffner said...

Middle of next week is fine.

We're having some difficulty with the links - AT Week 1 and CS Week 2 show up as the same thing. Werner will fix that.

Anne McQuown said...

Welcome- I enjoyed looking at your website.

Joe said...


should we post the paper to our blogs or should we use the blackboard site for sending in the assignments?


chris schaffner said...

Everything goes in the blog!

rbutera said...

anyone else running Windows Vista have trouble getting this to install? It will not install properly for me... :(

rbutera said...

okay... just tried it on a machine with Windows XP and it still does not install properly. Anyone else?

It runs through the install and creates a shortcut on the desktop but nothing happens when launched. I browsed through the program directory and cannot find an excutable file...

Anyone having similat trouble or am I just missing something here?

chris schaffner said...


I don't know what to tell you. It installed fine on my machine. I used this in class last spring and had no complaints. Perhaps try re-downloading?


rbutera said...

chris... i tried donwloading the software again... didn't work. I also turned off security software while instaling... same result.

Any recommendations on what to do regarding the week 1 assignment?

Peter James DeIuliis said...

two things...1st, Rick, I also had no problems downloading, and I am running Windows XP... I could probably do some screen shots of the data and email images to you for you to use. at least that will keep you moving along in the interim.. let me know if you would like me to do that...

2nd....Chris, I am working on our project and was listening to the AIA podcast titled "Real Energy Savings with Performance Targets" and didnt even realize that it was you until they were finishing up... too funny..... small world..

rbutera said...

Sweet! Got it to install... Vista is a wierd OS... not sure what I did different this time. I downloaded again and for some reason it decided to work. Damn Bill Gates... hehe.

Thanks for the offer of the screen shots Pete. Looks like I'll be all set here.