Saturday, September 22, 2007

CS - Week 8

It's not over until it is over.
Please read the CS -Week 8 Assignment carefully. To make your portfolio presentation simpler, I do not require you to produce different material for the studio final then is requested for the portfolio review. If any of these requirements are unclear, please ask.
Deadline: End of week. I will accept postings until October 1, 2007.
Good luck.


Thomas said...

you have a lot of stuff for us "non digitals" to do in the time frame. Am I correct that the final is due next friday -electronically and Oct.1 for everyone?
Could we not just make the due date of Oct. 1, 2007?

F.R. said...

That too me, would make sense to have Oct. 1 as the deadline date

werner said...

The submission is digital. The end of the semester is officially End of week. I accept postings until October 1. Don't make me change my mind.